European Theater - Operation Husky (Air/Ground/Naval Realistic Battle w/ Markers Off & FPS Views)
Join us March 12th at USA: 11:00 AM MST in War Thunder for Historical 64 player Event in the European Theater - (Invasion of Sicily) Operation Husky (Air/Ground/Naval Realistic Battle w/ Markers Off & FPS Views), Direct-Message @Reborn_Bird_Fish#6220 or @AmbassadorofAP#7736 for any questions. Discord invite can be found below.
- Time Conversions: USA: 11:00 AM MST, 1:00 PM EST, 12:00 PM CST, 10:00 AM PST, UK: 6:00 PM GMT
- All Unit Commander's are going to need speaking/working Discord Alt Accounts
- The hype trailer will be on our Discord Server so be on the lookout for that!!
Vehicles Spreadsheet (Actively Updated): WTHC - Operation Husky - Google Sheets
Organizer/More information contact: Reborn_Bird_Fish#6220
War Thunder Historical Customs (WTHC) is dedicated to providing a historically accurate recreation in custom battles, focusing on portraying real historic conflicts, strong team-play, and a lot of fun in the process. We try to help players step away from the average AB/RB Game Modes and come and join a Historical Reenactment of History, Strategy and Tactics are heavily used in our events. Each event will provide players hours of fun, whilst content creators get the best experience for their next cinematic! Get involved, and Join War Thunder Historical Customs Discord Server: